Doggy Rules and Policies

We are Pet Friendly and 5 of our cottages and cabins are fenced off, some for larger dogs and others for the little ones.
Your Fur-babies are most welcome to swim in our Doggy Dam located next to our driving range, please be mindful of our fishermen at our other fishing dams and don't allow your dogs to disturb the waters and their fishing experience.
Keep in mind that we do have other guests (who might also bring pets), some who wouldn't mind a visit from a furry friend, but some who would like to be left in peace. Please make sure that your pet is accompanied at all times.
Please do not lock your pet in the cabin and leave for the day, or leave them to roam freely without your presence .You might also run into a fellow guest with a pet, thus please make sure that your pet is not aggressive towards animals/people and are well socialized and on a leash when outside the fenced cottages.
You will be on a farm, thus when roaming outside, ticks & fleas will be unavoidable. Please make sure that you take precautions for your pet to ensure not only their safety, but avoid an outbreak of ticks and or fleas.
Please respect our other guests by ensuring your pets are not disturbing and by cleaning up after your pet – although we do have staff who clean around the cabins, they are not on the property 24/7.
We have free roaming sheep on the farm along with other farm animals, please make sure that your pet is not left unattended to chase after the livestock. The farm animals are opened to roam from 7am – 4pm, where after they go into their kraal for the night.
Our Donkeys have free range of the farm and can sometimes cause a bit of a stir by enticing your dogs to bark, please shoo them away to avoid continuous barking, Please also ensure that if you have a barker to please hush and shush them as not to be a nuisance to our other guests.
Pets’ owners will be held liable for any damages, injuries or death suffered to property, livestock, staff and other guests or visitors.
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